Wednesday, February 22, 2012

....and life goes on!

February 10, 2012 has just marked the 3rd anniversary of Cruz's kidney transplant and he has been so busy since then.

Shortly after his surgery, Cruz and his family went on a Disney Cruise for a week courtesy of the Make a Wish Foundation.  Cruz mentioned that while he was on this trip he forgot all about being sick.  He is so brave.

Cruz is currently in 5th grade and is an A-B student.  He plays the drums and is in the school band.  His dwarfism has not slowed him down one bit.  He enjoys riding his 4-wheeler, hunting with his dad, and shooting his compound bow.  He has many friends and has sleep-overs all the time.

Cruz has only encountered a few incidences of bullying since he's been getting older and his height difference is more noticeable to the other kids.  Cruz has a strong spirit and he says it doesn't bother him.

Cruz continues to take several medications everyday and he also gets blood work done every Monday to keep a close eye on his creatinine level.  His levels have been up and down forcing him to have 3 kidney biopsies within a 2 month timeframe.  He tolerated the biopsies well.

Cruz does suffer from joint pain, achey legs, and occasional pain in his hands.

His facial features are different in comparison to an achondraplasia dwarf.  Notice that his forehead isn't enlarged, the bridge of his nose isn't flattened compared to the picture of the girl below his picture.  Cruz does have slightly bowed, short legs and short arms.

For the rest of Cruz's life he will be put in situations where his height will be a disadvantage.  So far, he has no problem asking his friends to reach the paper towel dispenser in the bathroom.  He also has no problem climbing on the kitchen counter to get a snack.  His mom just loves that.

I am so blessed to have Cruz in my life.  He has taught me to be more compassionate and patient in my own life.  He has been through more in his 10 years than most people have their whole lives and he stays so positive and happy through it all.  We could all stand to learn something from him.  He is one tough cookie and I love him dearly.

Here are some pictures of famous little people. 

Celebrate World Kidney Day on March 8, 2012 and sign up for a kidney walk to raise money for the National Kidney Foundation today.

Visit the Donate Life website to see how you can save a life and donate today.

Visit the Ronald McDonald House charities website and see how you can help today.

Visit the Hershey Medical Center website today.

Visit the Make a Wish Foundation website to find out how you can help grant a wish to a child in need today.

Visit the Camp Kydnie website to make a donation or to get information on becoming a camp counselor today.

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